HATE MAIL 2 Finally drops, and BOBBY EAST spits out a couple straight lines way from reacting to voting for the boat, to getting less love from his fans.
Once again the rapper approves his relevance and feeds the lost souls his lyrics.

“I called myself the Daywalker to always remind myself to stay truthful cause whatever moves in the light is seen for all that it is.I know my weaknesses , I knew I needed to have my own strength so I only wrote the truth (mostly from my perspective).I rap in English cause I want my message to have a wide reach but I never faked my accent ,I always stayed true to who I am .When I was in the trenches my vocals were angry and when God blessed me ,I softened up a lil bit cause that’s my current truth.I write all of this to encourage a young act coming up to find out what separates them from their peers..It’s only in authenticity that true success comes out.” Happy Monday guys 🙏
— He Writes
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