FULL TIME business man, Chanda Brian takes it to His socials to launch what is better known as THE BRIAN CHANDA ENTERPRENEURSHIP FORUM. Built to transform lives into workable ideas. Hosting every single Friday a one hour long forum sharing His journey in the world of business.

Chanda Brian Innovations | via Facebook.

Hey guys,after an overwhelming engagement with your feedback yesterday, I am happy to say that I will officially launch the Brian Chanda Entrepreneurship forum. Some of you reached out to me separately and expressed how such a platform could literally transform lives and that really touched me. In that light, I would love to see many young entrepreneurs succeed at their businesses as I embark on this journey to create a hub of young millionaires. Every Friday, I will host a one hour long forum in which I will share my journey, lessons I have learned, how to start a business with small capital, tips on how to grow small businesses, financial analysis and risk control.

Chanda Brian Innovations | via Facebook

At the end of every session I will open the floor for Q&A. Like I stated earlier, my goal is to empower. I will give out stock worth K1000 to one person every session, I will also work with that person to make sure they are able to develop and grow their capital. At the end of the four sessions I will host, I will award one person with k5000 as start-up capital and also mentor them to ensure that they succeed in their business. I have a few sponsors who will come on to also offer mentorship and give away business tools such as laptops and subscriptions to those that have been awarded. For my time, I have two packages you could subscribe to; Either the one off package for k100 where you only attend one session or the Full package for k325 for all four sessions. N.B you’d have to attend all four sessions to be eligible to win the k5000 startup capital and laptops.
once you pay we add you to a group and this will help us share our little success stories we can do it together !!

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