In a thrilling turn of events, media sensation Paul Da Prince has ignited the automotive scene with the announcement of his latest partnership with Audi Centre Windhoek. tjil caught up with him to unpack this deal.

tjil (t): Congratulations on becoming the brand ambassador of Audi Centre Windhoek. Can you tell us about the mechanics of this car deal? What does it entail? 

Paul Da Prince (PDP): Thank you very much. I was picked as an ambassador for Audi Centre Windhoek a few months ago but only made it official last week. I received the latest Audi A3 to drive for the next three months. I’m excited because it’s my favourite car brand and I’ve been a huge fan since I was a teen. I’ll basically be collaborating with the team to test different vehicles and let people know more about the Audi brand as well as what it has to offer for young professionals in Namibia. 

t: Attracting a partnership with a prestigious brand like Audi is impressive. To what do you attribute your success?

PDP: Firstly, I owe it all to God, because never in my wildest dreams would I have thought this would transpire now, especially this year. It’s been a mixed bag with different types of challenges and wins. This sits right at the top as my biggest achievement. I am super grateful to the team for standing by me during the whole process and assuring me that they love my work. I’d also attribute it to my work ethic because it’s the one thing I lean on, even when times get tough. 

t: Tell us about your first impressions of the Audi A3.

PDP: It’s an amazing vehicle. As soon as I sat in the driver’s seat, I thought to myself ‘I need to own this’. It costs well over N$850 000 and is kitted with the latest features. Car play is awesome; I’m a music lover so the sound is top tier. The handling on the vehicle is immaculate. I love the different driving modes from economy to dynamic and sport. The leather seats add great elegance and comfort to any trip, even when going to the grocery store. 

t: How do you see this partnership shaping your career and personal brand? 

PDP: I think this partnership is a win not just for me, but for any personality in the entertainment industry. I see the partnership growing stride for stride over the next months as I seek to showcase Audi not just to Namibia, but to the whole southern Africa. It adds a great stamp of appreciation to my journey, which started in 2007.

t: Creatively, what projects can we expect from you this summer? 

PDP: I hope I can make a song about Audi. I haven’t been in studio in a while. But most importantly, I’d like to showcase the beautiful Namibian landscapes with the car as the main focus. Showcasing how far you can travel with one of the most prestigious brands in the world.


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